Background Check FAQ
The what, why, when of Background ScreeningWhat is a Background Check?
A Background Check is conducting research into a persons information, relative to the purpose of the check, and reporting on the findings. It may include a persons past such as criminal record, traffic history and past employment. It may also verify current information including professional licences and memberships and right to work.
Why conduct a background check?
Background Checks are a requirement by law in certain fields of employment in Australia. Many employers and organisations have also chosen to make them a mandatory part of the applicant screening process. These checks are performed to provide a level of safety and risk mitigation to both the public and the employer.
It is common knowledge through large quantities of research that a percentage of resumes (reportedly around 20%) contain at least one fabrication, lie, or ommission. In extreme cases that one fabrication could substantially increase risk factors. For example, a medical practitioner that is not licensed to practice in Australia is hired as a Surgeon. A truck driver hired by a company without any form of checks may have a suspended licence. A person hired as a financial controller could have a history of embezzlement from every company they have ever worked for. None of these scenarios are ideal and are best avoided. The simple means of conducting a background check on potential applicants can assist in protecting a company or organisation from these types of situations.
You’ll often note that one of the first questions asked when a headline hits the news regarding an employee incident, is whether or not background screening had been conducted, and whether the situation could have been avoided. Protecting your companies image and protecting the public is not only common sense but could also help you avoid potential law suits arising from employee misconduct.